Yesterday (3-29-2011) at 1640 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC, I attended The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club's 'State Board of Education' Endorsement Forum, and let me just tell you that it was rigged. I’m not Stupid and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the Club was a predominately LGBT club. Nothing against the LGBT community at all. I have family and friend that are part of the LGBT community, but if you are going to play the game, play it fair. Many of the question that were presented to the candidates had them at a lost for word, all candidates but Philip Pannell. Philip seemed to be on his p's and q's, and I congratulate him on him win of the endorsement, but the question they asked seemed to gear towards his platform so of Course he would win, that’s my opinion.
I am already hip to how the game is played, you make promises and pay a few of the members off and stand behind them and you have the endorsement off the back. My thing is yes these LGBT children need guidance and protection to, because bullying is a crime to me, but are you Philip Going to treat every child the same no matter their sexual orientation or are you mainly focused on the LGBT community? You fight for equality just make sure you don’t divide, if you catch my drift. It's about ALL of the young people.
Now to jump beyond myself I have to say this, I have to give you the scoop. Many of the candidates that seemed realistic to me like Larry Pretlow II, and Sandra Williams, and Tijwana Phillips, and Cardell Shelton (who is hilarious and off the wall but makes since if you listen) were viewed and Kids(Pretlow) or idealistic, or not even serious. Well how did I find this out? Well, I was standing in the hallway over looking votes and over heard on the members of the club say how this guy Summersgill was in there tweeting. What I heard them reading from his tweets sounded so ignorant and sounded like lies, as the members laughed I took it upon me to check this summersgill out. I’m telling you read his tweets from the night, pure ignorance.
Me being a part of Team Pretlow and having respect for the other candidates I had to share it with them. He said Pretlow is Idealistic but not realistic and only think to the limits of his age, "He's a Kid". Saying Sandra Williams said she wants kids to have sex without condoms, and making joke of Cardell Shelton (a black man who has stood front line on battle grounds) saying he got VD in world War II, when he was clearly saying that they need to learn about sex at a young age, because when he was young he had no knowledge about sex, and thinks now that it is best for them to learn about sex and transmitted diseases at a young age.
Summersgill is an ANC in ward 3 who is to ignorant to have heard the good out of that. I with a passion dislike, no, I hate people that think the way this man does. It’s unnecessary, and it is bullying, which is what we talked about that night. People like him are the main reason why young people do not want to go to school, because believe it or not this generation of young people can read through you like glass. They know what is going on, and to be little people like summersgill did was wrong and disingenuous. People like him are why some commit suicide, and he doesn’t need to hold office in my opinion. Someone tell me what has Summersgill done?
Now just to leave you all with a thank you for reading and keep Love alive. Stay true to yourself.